Non-selective, natural herbicide containing pelargonic acid

SKU: KATO01 Categories: ,


Katoun Gold is a quick acting total herbicide derived from plant origins, and degrades quickly.

Natural origin – Fast results – effects visible within 2 hours
Easy to apply – can be used on amenity vegetation, natural surfaces, gravel pathways
Low water rate per ha of 220lts
Good coverage per pack – high concentration
Tank mixable with Chikara to provide long term residual weed control
4 applications per year

How does Katoun Gold Work?
Pelargonic acid is found in plants and naturally dries out weeds. Destruction of the cuticle, damaging the cell membrane and causing dehydration within hours

Where to use Katoun Gold?
This weed killer has great flexibility of use and can be applied in a variety of situations including:
Amenity vegetation (bare soil around trees and woody shrubs), natural surfaces not intended to bear vegetation, permeable surfaces overlying soil including gravel pathways, forest nursery and hardy ornamental plant production

Active ingredients
Contains 500g/l Pelargonic acid

Can be applied by knapsack sprayer:
Katound Gold should be appled as a 10% solution in 225lts / ha of spray
For 10lt sprayer, add 4 litres of water to tank, measure 1 litre of Katoun Gold and add to tank and shake well/agitate. Add additional 5 litres of water and shake/agitate
For 15lt sprayer, add 5 litres of water to tank, measure 1.5 litre of Katoun Gold and add to tank and shake well/agitate. Add additional 8.5 litres of water and shake/agitate
Use a full cone nozzle to get even application on all sides of foliage.

Pack coverage 2,222m²