Selective systemic herbicide to control thistles and other broad leaved weeds in established grassland.

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Thistlex is a very effective translocated herbicide for both creeping and spear thistle. It is very safe to grass.

Thistles need controlling because they:
– compete with grass for space, light, nutrients and water
– are unpalatable to stock
– lead to greater incidence of Orf
– reduce the available grazing

– It gives outstanding control of creeping thistle and spear thistle
– It gives up to 85% control 12 months after application
– It also has activity on common nettle and dandelion
– Thistlex does not hold back grass growth after application

Apply between 1st March and 31st October. Use once per year at a rate of 1.0 L/ha in a water volume of 200 L/ha.